So the positive feedback is pouring in over here. This is from an outraged parent to a shop the dudes just did a demo at. So great.
From an outraged parent to a shop:
Hey Dan,
Not complaining but I just thought I'd fill you in on this stuff...I fielded 3 calls from outraged parents today (one I believe even called youguys) and had one return a Baker deck today because she didn't want hermoney going to you guys.Then I came home and received these messages to our myspace:"What happened the other night at Penn Valley Park.
I know tons of people on parks and rec, and they would fill that place with pea gravel if theyknew what happened for the Baker event. Skaters drunk as can be. Drugs, beer and trashy music blaring loadly. Half the skaters were high and drunk. Greco could not even seem to skate. Lizard man..... whatever, drinking and acting like an ass all night. Sure he skates great, but tonsof parents hear this stuff and you move skaters back 10 years. Stupid event.

Ever hear of a broom to clear dirt and crap from surface. The placelooked and smelled real bad. I for one will not support the team or yourshop in the future. Think I dont matter much....I,m on the board ofdirectors of several big sports clubs around KC. I help determain wheretons of parents go to shop for equiptment and other non typical sportsgifts and skate items. We did a couple thousand with your company last year. This type of event is just above PORN .... and I,m no prude. Believeme. Your people seemed to be having a great time, but this event wastrash. Imho.....Jim B""I thought you guys said we would for sure get something with are ticketlike you said 10 numbers in the raffle ticket and that was it any way iwish andrew and dollin or spanky were there since i waited 4/5 hours"
How fucking amazing was that???

For more pics go to:
I think we might go to the last stop of the tour in vegas if anyone wants to go::; xoxoxoxoxo no homo
I know tons of people on parks and rec, and they would fill that place with pea gravel if theyknew what happened for the Baker event. Skaters drunk as can be. Drugs, beer and trashy music blaring loadly. Half the skaters were high and drunk. Greco could not even seem to skate. Lizard man..... whatever, drinking and acting like an ass all night. Sure he skates great, but tonsof parents hear this stuff and you move skaters back 10 years. Stupid event.
Ever hear of a broom to clear dirt and crap from surface. The placelooked and smelled real bad. I for one will not support the team or yourshop in the future. Think I dont matter much....I,m on the board ofdirectors of several big sports clubs around KC. I help determain wheretons of parents go to shop for equiptment and other non typical sportsgifts and skate items. We did a couple thousand with your company last year. This type of event is just above PORN .... and I,m no prude. Believeme. Your people seemed to be having a great time, but this event wastrash. Imho.....Jim B""I thought you guys said we would for sure get something with are ticketlike you said 10 numbers in the raffle ticket and that was it any way iwish andrew and dollin or spanky were there since i waited 4/5 hours"
How fucking amazing was that???
For more pics go to:
I think we might go to the last stop of the tour in vegas if anyone wants to go::; xoxoxoxoxo no homo
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