Tuesday, March 3, 2009

New Yeah Yeah Yeahs???!!!!

ZERO (single)

So the new Yeah Yeah Yeahs album "It's Blitz" is coming out on April 13th or something like that. I just heard the new single "Zero." The YYY's have let their sound evolve with synths and drum machines all huge on the track and shit. I like it. I heard its compared to Blondie. I think Karen O's voice is how I wish I could scream all fucking emotional and releasing (<- is that a word???) sounding. So It sounds more poppy and more radio friendly, but maybe we can all learn to like it. Its starting to grow on me. I read that their sophomore album was way harder to record than this one because they were struggling with fame and blah blah blah on the last one. I've seen Karen O b4 did i mention that.

Zero - Yeah Yeah Yeahs

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