sick part
steve durante
both of which i saw at :::
which is a pretty sick skate blog
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
A Story For New Years Bra@!
So I came home from SD earlier and my roommate was bumpin some dirty south/swamp rock with slide guitar... blah blah, anyway, there's a fairly rough broad here with fairly rough tats and he's cookin up a storm, drinking red wine (basically the works). So then she left all abruptly and I was topless doin laundry. So he comes back and tells me the following: (in less than a hundred words bra)
Him: Yo
Me: Whatup
Him: Dude, did you see that girl that was just here?
Me: Yeah, why whatsup?
Him: Dude, cuz she just threw up on my dick.
Me: No way!!!!! :) :)
Him: Yeah man, she was deepthroating like a champ and then she just threw up all over my dick.
Me: Weren't you guys drinking like.. red wine and shit?

Him: Yeah, and some noodles I cooked up.
Me: Ew, No fucking way thats sick.
Him: Yeah man, I'm cleaning up my floor right now. What are you doing for new years?
Me: I don't know I'm still trying to figure it out.
The moral of the story is:: what the fuck is the plan for tonight??
Him: Yo
Me: Whatup
Him: Dude, did you see that girl that was just here?
Me: Yeah, why whatsup?
Him: Dude, cuz she just threw up on my dick.
Me: No way!!!!! :) :)
Him: Yeah man, she was deepthroating like a champ and then she just threw up all over my dick.
Me: Weren't you guys drinking like.. red wine and shit?
Him: Yeah, and some noodles I cooked up.
Me: Ew, No fucking way thats sick.
Him: Yeah man, I'm cleaning up my floor right now. What are you doing for new years?
Me: I don't know I'm still trying to figure it out.
The moral of the story is:: what the fuck is the plan for tonight??
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
This is .... (unbelievable)
Monday, December 29, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
how dope is this song
its was a sir mix a lot song originally named Posse on Broadway. But now it's
santogold - I'm a Lady/Posse on Broadway Diplo Remix
santogold - I'm a Lady/Posse on Broadway Diplo Remix
Thursday, December 25, 2008
biting from Skateboard MAG news section
So Black Box decided to offer all their videos online for 3.99 each. I don't know how I feel about this, actually, its kinda sick, cuz we're gonna rip them into quicktime formats anyway for our ipod/psp/ps3/xbox540, so why not make the extra 3.99. jamie is a true businessman and pioneer, even if almost everyone i know that works for blackbox got laid off. the people that got laid off are homies that loved that fucking company since it was nothing, so maybe that wasn't a good choice, but fuck, i mean what are you gonna do, skate shit isn't selling. the economy is fucked, blah blah, i know we're all stressed. peace out
sick run at UCSD
SD heads, remember skating this school for hours and hours every weekend, getting our moms to drive us there, or taking the bus (LC) - Loser Cruiser. I remember hearing Ronson Lambert got so mad skating here, that he skated all the way back to Encinitas. like a 18 minute drive, so figure out how fucking long that took him. too bad he skates for World now. Sorry Ronson if you're reading this. You still my homie, but come on, World?? I almsot just deleted that shit talking I did on my old friend for no reason, but I thought it should stay cuz thats how my fuckin mind runs and blah blah blah.
Girl is a Cock Zombie, craving for sperm >>>>I Am Cock
I AM LEGEND. An ok flick right, not super good, but not super bad, just whatever. Now, someone has come along and paid tribute to I am Legend, by twisting it into a porno. nice! Zombies crave cock apparently. Ewwww
My part from 2004 in sick ass video CARNAGE ASADA!
this is my quick part in the homie video "Carnage Asada" from 2004. remember these times?? i do. i was a way more happy person and i actually beleived/believed that i had a future. sorry old daniel from 2004, the daniel from 2008 ruined your life. I wish i had words to express how sorry i am. i tried sort of, i thought it would work out for me, but ya know what, it didn't, and guess what. we're fucked together... not really actually, you have a much better life than i do, stay in the past. good luck. change our future, cuz the one i'm in suxxxx ballszzzzz.!!! you son of a bitch.
I hate almost everything about myself, but do in fact like a few things. I didn't get in to school. I re-applied, but apparently, my work doesn't show enough "techincal ability.""""" Fuck ARt Center college of design. fuck college. fuck my life. fuck friends. fuck!!!!! what am i gonna do????? I dunno. Do yoU?? cuz i don't have any answers. i suck at everything. i planned on being successful and owning a ferrari one day. is my dream over??? do i have a future??? can i live each day, knowing that i hate my job at corporate fucking gay ass urban outfitters???? no, I can't. I have no options. I have no future. There was at least one moment in my life, where I actually believed that I might become something, I'm having deja vu, i wonder why, my wrist hurts/hearts from typing. fuck life. fck life. FCK LFE!!!!!! Fuck my kea-board!!!!! it sucks, along with my mouse and slow internet, PLUS, my VHS player broke, and I only believe in VHS these days so basically my life is over. goodbye cruel world. i'm retiring to my cheez-its and top ramen like a baller baby!!! fuck you goodnight and good luck kyz
I hate almost everything about myself, but do in fact like a few things. I didn't get in to school. I re-applied, but apparently, my work doesn't show enough "techincal ability.""""" Fuck ARt Center college of design. fuck college. fuck my life. fuck friends. fuck!!!!! what am i gonna do????? I dunno. Do yoU?? cuz i don't have any answers. i suck at everything. i planned on being successful and owning a ferrari one day. is my dream over??? do i have a future??? can i live each day, knowing that i hate my job at corporate fucking gay ass urban outfitters???? no, I can't. I have no options. I have no future. There was at least one moment in my life, where I actually believed that I might become something, I'm having deja vu, i wonder why, my wrist hurts/hearts from typing. fuck life. fck life. FCK LFE!!!!!! Fuck my kea-board!!!!! it sucks, along with my mouse and slow internet, PLUS, my VHS player broke, and I only believe in VHS these days so basically my life is over. goodbye cruel world. i'm retiring to my cheez-its and top ramen like a baller baby!!! fuck you goodnight and good luck kyz
Monday, December 22, 2008
Who else loves craigslist
when you're searching for work so you can survive, you come across shit like this....
Short film love humor (the title of these peoples post)
Male actor of Latin or Middle Eastern to play rude man seeking love.
Female actor of Latin or Middle Easter to play shy type girl who falls in love with rude boy.
Send pics to
Shot over next couple of weeks
I want to fall in love with a rude boy god damnit
Short film love humor (the title of these peoples post)
Male actor of Latin or Middle Eastern to play rude man seeking love.
Female actor of Latin or Middle Easter to play shy type girl who falls in love with rude boy.
Send pics to
Shot over next couple of weeks
I want to fall in love with a rude boy god damnit
Bob Dylan and Johnny Cash! - Girl From The North Country
Sick ass song and video. Just heard this song for the first time a few days ago. I need to get some more Bob Dylan songs.
Monday, December 15, 2008
When you're almost getting over being sick
Harmony Korrine is cool
Harmony Korrine is a genius. There I said it. The writer of "KIDS" (when he was only fucking 18), one of my favorite movies ever, is amazing. When I think of someone I look up to and wish I could be "in theory" it's him. I wanted to be on heroin and writing amazing films and shooting amazing photos in New York while dating Chloe Sevigny. Anyway, I'm too lazy to research and write a ton about him, but he's dope. Heres some of his work including a trailer for his newest film "Mr. Lonely." Which is about a Michael Jackson impersonator living in Paris, who meets a Marilyn Monroe impersonator, and they travel to someplace where other impersonators are. This guy is amazing. Fuck. Inspiring. I need to shoot something. I love the rain. Whether/Wheather/Weather its' shooting film, photos, writing poetry with/without Mark Gonzales, or writing a screenplay, I enjoy his work.... about half the time to be honest... but thats good enough, i mean fuck, he wrote KIDS.
Trailer for his film "Mister Lonely" 2007
dope ass excerpt from a book.

some of his photos

I just realized this is a weak post. Fuck, I fuckin suck at fuckin blogging and thinking fuck you
Im sure you've seen this by now but look anyway
our retarded president getting a shoe thrown at him. i love it. Where the fuck was the secret service, they were sleeping at that shit, geez/jeez.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Skateboarders for Jesus?
Thursday, December 11, 2008
French Miami
Continuing my Math Rock/Psychadelic/Electronic/Low Fi/indie obsession. I've come across another band worth telling you bastards about. French Miami. From San Fansico. I have no audio clips, but luckily theres a video of them playing their best song "Science Fiction" live!
Wish I could play the damn guitar, too bad my dad bought me 1 a long time ago called "The Terminator". An all black guitar with a built in amp and speaker. so sick! Too bad I smashed it, (or tried to, I told my mom I did, but its hard to break a guitar when you're like 10) and then I threw it the canyon. Fuck, maybe its still there.
As soon as I get some money, I'm buying one of these back.
Wish I could play the damn guitar, too bad my dad bought me 1 a long time ago called "The Terminator". An all black guitar with a built in amp and speaker. so sick! Too bad I smashed it, (or tried to, I told my mom I did, but its hard to break a guitar when you're like 10) and then I threw it the canyon. Fuck, maybe its still there.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Kanye West - 808's & Heartbreaks (Entire album streaming below)

Monday, December 8, 2008
Emails from Mom/Mum/Mommy/Ma/Mama/Mamasita/Mamacita
Sometimes my mom sends me emails that are ridiculously funny.....
This email was titled "New Employee" - my dog KARMA

She also found a sticky note with my bday wish list from who knows how long ago: what I wanted then and what I want now hasn't changed much:
Pogs, Nintendo, Sega, rollerblade holder, sports bag, soccer stuff.
This email was titled "New Employee" - my dog KARMA

She also found a sticky note with my bday wish list from who knows how long ago: what I wanted then and what I want now hasn't changed much:
Pogs, Nintendo, Sega, rollerblade holder, sports bag, soccer stuff.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Work Party/Chairlift
Chairlift played.
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