Thursday, December 25, 2008


I hate almost everything about myself, but do in fact like a few things. I didn't get in to school. I re-applied, but apparently, my work doesn't show enough "techincal ability.""""" Fuck ARt Center college of design. fuck college. fuck my life. fuck friends. fuck!!!!! what am i gonna do????? I dunno. Do yoU?? cuz i don't have any answers. i suck at everything. i planned on being successful and owning a ferrari one day. is my dream over??? do i have a future??? can i live each day, knowing that i hate my job at corporate fucking gay ass urban outfitters???? no, I can't. I have no options. I have no future. There was at least one moment in my life, where I actually believed that I might become something, I'm having deja vu, i wonder why, my wrist hurts/hearts from typing. fuck life. fck life. FCK LFE!!!!!! Fuck my kea-board!!!!! it sucks, along with my mouse and slow internet, PLUS, my VHS player broke, and I only believe in VHS these days so basically my life is over. goodbye cruel world. i'm retiring to my cheez-its and top ramen like a baller baby!!! fuck you goodnight and good luck kyz

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