Harmony Korrine is a genius. There I said it. The writer of "KIDS" (when he was only fucking 18), one of my favorite movies ever, is amazing. When I think of someone I look up to and wish I could be "in theory" it's him. I wanted to be on heroin and writing amazing films and shooting amazing photos in New York while dating Chloe Sevigny. Anyway, I'm too lazy to research and write a ton about him, but he's dope. Heres some of his work including a trailer for his newest film "Mr. Lonely." Which is about a Michael Jackson impersonator living in Paris, who meets a Marilyn Monroe impersonator, and they travel to someplace where other impersonators are. This guy is amazing. Fuck. Inspiring. I need to shoot something. I love the rain. Whether/Wheather/Weather its' shooting film, photos, writing poetry with/without Mark Gonzales, or writing a screenplay, I enjoy his work.... about half the time to be honest... but thats good enough, i mean fuck, he wrote KIDS.
Trailer for his film "Mister Lonely" 2007
dope ass excerpt from a book.

some of his photos

I just realized this is a weak post. Fuck, I fuckin suck at fuckin blogging and thinking fuck you
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