Thursday, August 28, 2008



I needed to help my Grandpa hook up the new printer he bought. I go over there and theres piles of paperwork and files everywhere. My Grandma just passed away about 2 months ago. She died from pancreatic cancer. After her last treatment failed, her and my Grandpa came to visit us in San Diego. When I came home to see them, they were both so out of it. She was barely coherent, my Grandpa hadn't remembered any of his medicine, which he needs to take since he has diabetes and whatever else. He has to give himself 3 shots of insulin throughout the day and measure his blood sugar level. If it isn't at a certain level after the shot, he has to increase the dosage to keep it at a good level. He hasn't kept it at a good level soo many times, that he's given himself slight brain damage.

My grandma pretty much ran his life, paid the bills, did the dishes, bought the groceries. She was in charge. They were too fucked up for us to let them return to Vermont to gather their things. We got them into an "Assisted Living" facility, which basically cooks them meals but can't have anyone take care of them. We hired Hospice to come and take care of them and give my Nana her medicine.

"I miss her so much, I never thought it was possible to miss someone this much." - Papa, yesterday

So I go to help him install the printer, the only thing is he can't fucking remember his password for the computer. I'm sitting there watching a man, who was once my hero, the smartest, sharpest man in the whole fucking world, struggling to remember the easiest thing in the world. Among all his papers and letters he's writing to various businesses apologizing for not paying, but he doesn't know how, that his wife Edith mainly handled the finances. I had to call apple care and figure out how to reset his password. Its so hard to see someone you love, lose their mind.

I watched my grandma pretty much die, she was fighting her cancer literally, the last time I saw her. Flailing her arms, kicking the sheets off the bed, moaning. Her eyes were gray and cloudy, skinny as a skeleton, my nana lying there, dying. The woman who I have loved more than anything my entire life, was losing her fight, her final fight that I always believed she would somehow win. We spoke to hospice, increased her medicine to a point where she would slip away. We put on her favorite Italian Opera, and sat there holding her hand.

I miss her and although she passed away violently fighting for her life, I got to spend some amazing moments in the hospital with her watching movies on my ipod, she told me I'm her favorite grandkid.
The last movie she ever watched was THE DARJEELING LIMITED, which is spiritual and relaxed her, she laughed and commented on the shots, she liked the framing, although the aspect ratio was fucked on my ipod.

This is what your life looks like, after your wife of 56 years, has died and your trying to pick up the pieces. Life is a fucking bitch.

Papa: "I got into the wrong profession"
Me: Why, what profession should you have pursued?
Papa: "I should have been a doctor, so I could have saved her."
Me: Papa, nobody has ever cured cancer.
Papa: "I should've been the first, I let her down."

Some extra photos from their house:

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