Thursday, August 14, 2008

What I'm Watching

So.. I'm watching Bad Boys 2, I rented it from Blockbuster, after getting hyped on action movies. I watched Miami Vice the other day, the new one with Colin Farrel, its pretty fucking tight. But dont get me started on that shit cuz i'll be sitting here for hours writing about the genius Colin Farrel, just kidding.
Anyway, Martin Lawrences character in Bad Boys 2 is annoying the shit out of me. He's the biggest pussy. Like always crying and getting upset about everything. I would have to say he's the most pussy cop there ever was.

there you go! I mean, why did the Bad Boys franchise turn into a fucking comedy. I mean ok ok, Bad Boys 1 had a lot of comedy, but this new one is like, ok it came out in 2003, was it meant solely to take peoples minds off the approaching "war on terrorism", maybe its propaganda for us to get hyped to go fight a war. Maybe we should re-energize the "war on drugs," what happened to that whole thing by the way. remember when we had DARE. Cops would come and teach a class and we'd get out of whatever shitty class we had at the time which was awesome.

Heres a link to some song some mark ass 5th graders sang at their "DARE Graduation."
I demand that it be remixed now!!!!!

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