Monday, August 4, 2008

Am I Worthless?

I was thinking, wull actually knowing, that I alter the way I act in certain places. I'm over hollywood, I'm over being nice, I'm over being fake, I'm over acting like I like people, and I'm over this whole fucking life we pretend to live. Whats the point when you think about it. I'm disgustingly ugly and we all know it, so why not just give up now. I know I'm getting worse by the day. This blog shall become my new girlfriend. Actually do I even want that? Do I? ......

being single is stupid
being together is stupid
beig yourself = priceless

BEING YOURSELF definition::: (from websters 2009) : Being Yourself - (pretending to know what you want or need out of life, while actually being just as scared as anyone else)!!!

"True": - Dh

"Amazing!" - Baby Smooth

"This is the best blog I've ever read or visited, I check it every day" - Teen Wolf as Michaels J'sFoxes

"This blog sucks" - The general Consensus = the public opinion which goes in this town